Lucy Bonnett 

Claims Handler


Lucy currently works as a Claimant Portal Case Handler for RTA claims. She has vast experience in this role, having joined PM Law in 2016.


Before joining PM Law in 2016, Lucy had already developed an in-depth understanding of the claims process in similar roles. Lucy has worked as a Claims Handler for an accident management company as well as a defendant Portal Case Handler. She uses the knowledge gained from her previous roles to provide a high-level of service to our clients.

More about Lucy

Lucy was aware of PM Law before joining and knew it would be a good place to further develop her skills. She joined in 2016 and has taken full advantage of the positive and supportive office environment, taking any opportunity to learn from her experienced colleagues.

Lucy always works efficiently to get the best outcomes for her clients in a timely manner. She is an extremely reliable member of the team and we know that all of her clients will agree – when she says she’s going to do something, she will do it.

In her free time, Lucy really loves spending time with her family wherever possible.